Movie Themed Rugs, Christmas Rugs and Tree Stump Rugs

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Movie Themed Rugs, Christmas Rugs and Tree Stump Rugs

We at Woodland Creek's Log Furniture Place just love all things rustic. Rustic, rustic, rustic. It feels good to say. We just can't get enough rustic. Even so, we recognize that not all of our customers are alike, and we believe in offering them variety and value. We've selected quality rugs from manufacturers like Dalton Flooring and United Weavers with designs from contemporary, to floral, to patterns. We even have something for the hidden biker and goth in all of us. Best of all, these rugs will still look great with your rustic decor.

Here's to the rustic fans like us, who love their lodges and cabins and wildlife, and find joy in the wonders of nature. Here's to those like us who love great quality and want something a little different. Here's to the consumers like us, who want great products at a great price. These rugs are for you.

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