Rustic Black Walnut Furniture

Rustic Black Walnut Furniture

While walnut may be a hard nut to crack, we’ve mastered that task…

Ever tried to crush a walnut with your bare hands? We can tell you it’s all but impossible. Yet, with years of experience, our fine craftsmen have managed to crack the Walnut code. Well, okay, they may not always do it with their bare hands. But, they’ve mastered the task of working this wood into the finest rustic Black Walnut furniture anywhere.

Deep, rich tones and durable qualities make Walnut a must for rustic decorating!

For those of you who love the dark wood furniture and durable qualities Walnut imparts, we have lodge furniture, log beds and home furnishings you won’t want to miss. With styles from Western furniture to log cabin furniture available in all shapes and sizes, we can help you fill any room with options in Walnut you’ll simply go nuts over.

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