Log Pool Tables Make For a Rustic Game Experience

2011-09-22 10:00:04 4 view(s)

Log Pool Tables Make For a Rustic Game Experience

Do you and your friends like playing pool so much that your families are starting to complain that you’re never home? If you’re like most fans of pool or billiards, you probably don’t have a table in your house, meaning you have to go out and hunt down the nearest place to play this entertaining game of skill. There’s something about playing pool, too; no matter how good you are or aren’t, it’s a lot of fun to hang out with friends around a pool table and have a little downtime. You can bring the game home, but if you’re going to do that, you want to invest in a pool table that will stand up to years of play. For the true pool lover, it makes little sense to purchase a table of only fair quality. Instead, serious pool players will appreciate something like the North Woods Ironwood Log Billiard Table. Even the name sounds sturdy, and with good reason. “Ironwood” refers to many varieties of trees known for their density and heaviness. It’s combined with hickory in the North Woods table to create a piece of log furniture that is not only attractive, but also quite rugged. Solid craftsmanship and a lifetime warranty ensure the longevity of the piece. If you really love pool, you’ll appreciate how attractive this particular table is. Tree stump legs and hand draw-knifed edging make it look as though you went and harvested the table straight out of the forest. Ironwood trees grow very slowly, so each log has its own appearance and personality. The chocolate-brown color of the pockets accentuates the deep color of the tree bark. And with 18 colors of felt to choose from, it’s easy to create a custom look that matches any rustic décor. The North Woods table is made to order and combines all these elements to make your gaming experience that much more enjoyable. With this table in your game room or den, you can have as many games as you want without ever leaving your home.

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