Surrounded by Love

2016-05-12 10:00:26 4 view(s)

Surrounded by Love

Share these love seats with someone specialHave you ever stopped for a second, looked around, and realize you are surrounded by love? I don’t mean like in one of those sappy movies where a person looks around and sees all the couples and feels pitifully alone. I mean that everything you are touching and feeling at that very moment is something that you love? I had that moment just yesterday. My husband and I just realized a years-long dream of owning a Jeep Wrangler, the new puppy we’d searched months for and our adult dog were romping gleefully in the living room, and I was working from my warm and comfortable home office. I realized just how grateful I was in that moment, and a warm soul-fulfilling feeling washed over me. Some people long to decorate their home with reclaimed barnwood furniture, but the substantial price tag necessitates the need for them to wait. And plan. And dream. So much so that when they are finally able to purchase that furniture and bring it into their home, their souls are fulfilled. The search is over. The waiting, the wanting…the dream is realized. Love surrounds them. If you have a dream, don’t get discouraged if you have to wait to make it come true. It will be so much sweeter when it becomes a reality. Even the cushions on the Cottage Barnwood Upholstered Loveseat will be softer and more welcoming as they surround you with love.

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