5 Easy DIY Projects to Upgrade Your Cabin

2018-10-30 10:45:35 26 view(s)

5 Easy DIY Projects to Upgrade Your Cabin

Do-It-Yourself Projects to Make Your Cabin Even Better

Living in a log cabin is one thing, but when you’re able to create a genuine rustic feel to your home, that’s when you take your cabin to the next level. More than any other type of home, a log cabin is connected to nature. So, it makes sense that you want to keep the natural look and feel of your cabin’s structure everywhere on your property, both inside and out. If you’re looking for a few DIY projects that can add a touch of rustic charm to your cabin, then here are five projects to get you started. Build a Fire Pit A fire pit is the perfect accessory to any log cabin. It’s ideal for sharing stories with the family, cooking hot dogs and s’mores, and for spending chilly autumn evenings outside. But, the best part about a fire pit is that it is easy to build and it serves as the ultimate disposal solution for fallen twigs and branches on your property. Build a Firewood Seasoning Shed In addition to fallen limbs and branches, you’ll also need logs for your fire pit. So, you can set aside a piece of your property specifically for splitting wood. Next to your splitting station, you can build a simple seasoning shed to keep your wood dry and protected all winter long. This will make it easier and cleaner for you to fetch wood for your fire pit or indoor fireplace. You can make the shed as simple or complex as you like, but here’s how to build a basic firewood seasoning shed. Strip the Finish From the Logs and Re-Finish Them If your log cabin’s exterior is starting to lose its luster, then it might be time for a complete restoration. The first thing you’ll need to do it strip the old finish from the logs. The best way to accomplish this is to use a vacuum media abrasive blaster and ground-up corn cobs. This is an effective and affordable abrasive media that won’t damage the surface of the logs. Another option is to use CO2 blasting. Even though these processes don’t damage the wood, they can cause the grain to become raised slightly. This will require you to sand and smooth the wood before applying the new coat of sealant. Look carefully for any signs of damage or wood rot and repair them as necessary. Lastly, apply your choice of wood sealer according to the manufacturer’s instructions to complete the exterior’s restoration. Go Solar A log home is one that is built with nature in mind, so it makes sense for it to be even more “green.” Adding solar to your log cabin will make it energy independent and ensure that you always have the power you need regardless of the weather (if your panels are positioned where they can receive full sunlight throughout the day). You can even install a solar thermal heater to heat your water instead of relying on gas or electric. Your cabin will be much more energy efficient, and you’ll enjoy the savings even more. Install Hardwood Flooring If you purchased an older log cabin and it came with cheap laminate, tile, or carpet flooring, then consider installing hardwood flooring instead. This will give the home a beautiful and rustic floor that looks like it belongs. As a side benefit, it will also increase the resale value of your home. When you’re looking to upgrade your log cabin, remember that the more rustic it looks, the better. At the Log Furniture Place, we hand-craft our furniture from the finest rustic materials, so you can sure everything me make will fit beautifully within your cabin’s design. Visit our online store today to see what we have to offer.

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