Keep Warm with Country Decor

2012-05-10 10:00:08 0 view(s)

Keep Warm with Country Decor

Fireplace Screens for your living roomChilly evenings and dreary days are part of the reality of spring in the country. Warm weather comes in fits and starts, often interspersed with drops in temperature that mean you have to break out your winter coat when you least expect it. Fortunately, these days become fewer and farther between as summer approaches. When you can pack up your winter gear at last, you know that the warmth has truly arrived. Until then, though, you need a way to stay warm. Fireplaces are classic fixtures in many older homes, and for good reason. There’s nothing like being able to light a fire when the house is feeling cold or damp. Not only does it chase the chill away, it also gives you something beautiful to look at on the days when the sun refuses to shine. You can make the dancing flames even more beautiful by adding a Meyda Bear Creek Fireplace Screen. Featuring sturdy construction and unique handcrafting, each piece from Meyda Tiffany is a one-of-a-kind work of art designed with the stunning details of nature in mind. Plus having a fireplace screen offers protection from errant embers, giving you peace of mind. Whether your living room is filled with log furniture or your tastes run more toward country decor, the Bear Creek screen fits right in. Within its rugged metal frame, a backdrop of majestic mountains sets a quiet, contemplative mood. A lone bear stands in the foreground next to a small pond, surrounded by rugged trees and grass. Though the entire scene is sketched out in metal, it’s just as beautiful as any painting or art print. When lit from behind by a roaring fire, the Bear Creek screen becomes even more attractive. Country living and rustic decor often go hand in hand, so adding a fireplace screen to your already beautiful living room or den is a logical step. Enjoy the unique appearance of handcrafted nature artwork while keeping warm in front of your fireplace until summer weather has well and truly established itself. Get the Meyda Tall Pines Folding Fireplace Screen for $837.00. Visit the page to know more about the product.

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