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Short Description
Bay Palomino Sorrel Appaloosa Paint
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Taxable Goods Shipping (not used by AvaTax) AvaTax. Non Taxable Product
Behind the Doors
Client's Choice Adjustable Shelf Clothing Rod Clothing Rod & Adjustable Shelf Clothing Rod & 2 Adjustable Shelves Clothing Rod & Fixed Shelves TV Swivel Stand & DVD Shelf
3D Intarsia Art Adirondack Adventure Mountain All About Kids Andover Antler & Barnwood Antler Decor Antlered Aquarius Arlington Golden Walnut Collection Aspen Collection Aspen Highlands Aspen Lodge Aspen Mountain Aspen Ridge Autumn Comfort Autumn Woods Aztec Aztec Bear Back to the Barn Backwoods Rustic Pine Barn Door Barnwood Furniture Collection Basalt Barn Wood Beartooth Beaver Creek Columbia Valley Black Granite Black Oak Bay Bone Collector Boulder Mountain Bridgeport Bristol Browning Bucksnort Lodge Buckwear Cabin Decor Cactus Canterbury Cartsens Bedding Carved Tree Collection Catalina Cottage Cedar Lake Cedar Lake Cabin Cedar Lake Frontier Cedar Lake Lodge Cedar Lake Logger Cedar Looks Cedar Valley Chainsaw Carvings Clearwater Colorado Aspen Contemporary Classic Collection Contemporary Rustic Collection Contours CEM Contours DCBW Contours JQ Copperhead Canyon Copper Factory Copper Furniture Collection Copper Mesa Copper Ridge Copper Ridge Collection Cottage Cottage Adirondack Cottage Hickory Country Roads Craftsman Rustic Crestview Crimson Mountain Custom Furniture Collection Daybreak Light Aspen Del Sol Denver Desert Skull Desperado Donna Sharp Duluth Dutton Eagle River Elegant Rustic Collection Elk Lake Elk Summit Everett Everwood Fitzgerald Forest Pine Forged Branch Collection Freebies Fullerton Rustic Garden Decor Genesis Genuine Copper Giant Grove Glacier Country Gold Fields Grays Lake Great Falls Hand Carved Collection Hawk Creek Heartland Heritage Barn Wood Heritage Collection Hickory Collection Hickory Creek Hickory Haven Poly Outdoor Hickory Lake Hickory Logger Hidden Lake HomeMax Homestead Homestead Ridge Horse Collection Huntsman Idaho Homestead Industrial Collection Inlaid Collection Innovo Collection Iron Horse Karin Maki Kettle Creek Lakeland Lakeland Cabin Lakeland Frontier Lakeland Mills, Inc Laurel Hollow Laurel Hollow Collection Laurel Summit Lava Legends Lighting Live Edge Collection Lodge Lamps Log Furniture Collection Malibu Maloof Designs Marshfield Genesis McClellan Collection Mesquite Lamps Mid Century Modern Collection Mission Style Collection Modern Barn Wood Collection Modern Chic Modern Cottage Collection Modern Natural Collection Modern Rustic Collection Monaco Montana Mossy Oak Mountain Mill Mountain Modern Furniture Collection Mystery Bay Natural Barnwood Natural Wood Furniture Collection New West North Woods Northern Exposure Oak Meadows Old Sawmill Olde Forge Olde Towne Organic Teak Slab Originals Outdoor Furniture Collection Outlaw Painted Furniture Painted Furniture Collection Pike's Peak Pine Lake Pine Peaks Poplar Grove Powder Mountain Premier Copper Quickship Rainbow Falls Rawhide Glow Real Hickory Real Walnut & Hickory Realtree Realtree All Purpose Reclaimed Furniture Collection Red Cedar River Red River Rustic Redwood and Juniper Collection Refined Rustic Collection Regal Collection Restoration Hardwood Restoration Hardwood Furniture Collection Richardson River Bend Rocky Creek Rodeo Aspen Rolling Hills Rosewood Collection Rough Sawn Collection Rural Root Rustic Accessories Rustic Art Rustic Aspen Rustic Bedding Rustic Cabin Rugs Rustic Chic Collection Rustic Craftsman Rustic Essence Rustic Hickory Collection Rustic Home Rustic Lamps Rustic Loft Collection Rustic Oak Collection Rustic Ranch Rustic Red Cedar Rusticly Red Santa Fe Collection Saranac Hickory Sawmill Sawmill Collection Sawmill Hickory Sawtooth Sherwood Forest Silverado Home Simply Shades Solid Wood Furniture Collection Sophisticated Rustic Collection Spoon River Stony Brooke Summerset Sunset Bay Taos Collection Taxidermy Teak Rocky Mountain The Winery Timber Forge Timber Frame Timber Haven Timberland Timberland Collection Timberwood Laurel Summit Touch of the West Collection Traverse Bay Collection Tuscan Collection Twisted Trails Upholstered Furniture Urban Barnwood Urban Hardwood Collection Urban Organic Collection Urban Rustic Urban Rustic Collection Vail Mountain Victor Mill Village Wrought Iron Vintage Collection Wall Art Walnut Grove Walnut Ridge Westcliffe Pointe Western Traditions Western Winds Western Woods Whitehall Wilderness Wildlife Wildwood Wine Collection Wood River Wooded River Woodland Woodland Park Wyoming Barnwood Yellowstone Yosemite Handcrafted Lamp Antique Aruba Bella Berlin Blackburn Blacksmith Catalina Cozumel Loft Brown Luna Madeira Marble Marquez Mezcal Mezquite Montana Nizuc Olimpia Parota Pueblo Rock Valley Royal San Antonio San Luis Stone Terra Tower Tulum Xelha Yellowstone Arena Cosala Xoan Anvil Capri Fika Milan Georgia Lotus Maison Mita Murcia Olivo Samba Sedona Suomi Alfa Andaluz Luxor Luxe Arizona Moro Choiba Lima Margot Nogales Old Wood Sahara Urban Art Vivo Modern Elegant Iron Ridge Rustic Valley Modern Tarzia Torque Falls Creek Farmhouse Originals Glasgow Jackson Hole Princeton Rocky Mountain Silverthorne Starry Night Steel Traditions TAOS Tradewinds Harker's Uptown Vancouver Wyoming Special Collection FN Collection Presidential
Liquid Glass
No Liquid Glass 3 ft with Liquid Glass 4 ft with Liquid Glass 5 ft with Liquid Glass 6 ft with Liquid Glass 7 ft with Liquid Glass 8 ft with Liquid Glass
Number of Drawers
No Drawers Varies 1 Door 1 Drawer 1 Drawer w/ Shelf Enclosed 2 Drawers 3 Drawers 4 Drawers 5 Drawers 6 Drawers 7 Drawers 8 Drawers 9 Drawers 10 Drawers 12 Drawers 15 Drawers
Type of Seat
Chairs Rockers Loveseat/Settee Ottomans Gliders Tete-A-Tete Dining Chairs Benches Stool Pub Chair Stationary Swivel
Seat & Log Style
Natural Panel & Natural Log Wild Panel & Natural Log Natural Panel & Gnarly Log Wild Panel & Gnarly Log
Estimated Production Completion 1 - 2 weeks Estimated Production Completion 2 - 3 weeks Estimated Production Completion 2 - 4 weeks Estimated Production Completion 3 - 4 weeks Estimated Production Completion 3 - 5 weeks Estimated Production Completion 4 - 6 weeks Estimated Production Completion 5 - 7 weeks Estimated Production Completion 6 - 8 weeks Estimated Production Completion 7 - 9 weeks Estimated Production Completion 8 - 10 weeks Estimated Production Completion 9 - 11 weeks Estimated Production Completion 10 - 12 weeks Estimated Production Completion 11 - 13 weeks Estimated Production Completion 12 - 14 weeks Estimated Production Completion 12 - 16 weeks Estimated Production Completion 13 - 15 weeks Estimated Production Completion 14-16 weeks Estimated Production Completion 15 - 17 weeks Estimated Production Completion 16-18 weeks Estimated Production Completion 18-20 weeks Estimated Production Completion 20-24 weeks Estimated Production Completion 26-30 weeks Estimated Production Completion 36 - 38 weeks On Back Order - Call, Chat or Email for Status Typically Stocked - Ships in 2-3 Weeks unless Backordered - Call for Status In Stock - Typically Ships in 2-3 Weeks unless Backordered - Call for Status In Stock - Requires Finishing. Typically Ships in 3-5 Weeks This item generally ships within 1-2 weeks if in stock. Call for current status This item generally ships within 2-3 weeks when in stock. Call for current status This item generally ships within 2-4 weeks if in stock. Call for current status This item generally ships within 3-4 weeks if in stock. Call for current status This item generally ships within 5-7 business days. Call for current status This item generally ships within 7-10 business days if in stock. Call for current status Out of Stock. Please call or e-mail for estimated availability Typically ships in 7-10 business days Table Only: 3-5 weeks. Table & Chairs: 8-10 weeks. Select Product Options for Current Availability In Stock Typically Ships in 2 - 5 days In Stock - Typically Ships in 2-3 Weeks
Swing Type
Yard Swing Porch Swing A-Frame Only Double Glider Canopy Kit
Wood/Material Type
Acrylic Alder Antique Distressed Mahogany Antler Aspen Aspen & Metal Aspen & Reclaimed Wood Blasted Alder Bees Wax Black Walnut Black Walnut & Aspen Black Walnut & Cedar Black Walnut & Juniper Black Walnut & Metal Black Walnut & Oak Black Walnut & Reclaimed Wood Blasted Oak Book-Matched Black Walnut Brass Canvas Giclée Cast Resin Cedar Cedar & Pine Cedar, Hickory & Pine Ceramic Cherry Cherry & Maple Sap Cherry Copper Copper & Iron Copper & Reclaimed Wood Copper, Reclaimed Wood & Iron Driftwood Enamel Extra Character Aspen Extremely Gnarly Aspen Fabric Faux Fur Faux Leather Fibercast Gift Card Glass Golden Walnut Guamuchil & Mango Hardback Burlap Hardback Faux Leather Hardback Linen Hardback Parchment Hickory Iron Juniper Juniper & Natural Wood Jute Leather & Fabric Lodgepole Pine Mahogany Mahogany & Alder Ebony Mahogany & Golden Walnut Ebony Mahogany & Reclaimed Wood Mango Mango, Oak & Marble Mesquite Brown Maple Maple Wormy Maple Rough Sawn Wormy Maple Natural Light Antique Mahogany Natural Wood Natural Wood & Glass Natural Wood & Metal Oak Olefin Other Paper Giclée Parota Parota & Mango Petrified Wood Pine Pine & Fir Pine & Hickory Pine & Iron Pine & Mango Pine & Natural Woods Pine & Walnut Poly Quarter-Sawn White Oak Rawhide Reclaimed Barn Wood Reclaimed Barrel Reclaimed Wood Reclaimed Wood & Copper Reclaimed Wood & Hickory Reclaimed Wood & Maple Reclaimed Wood & Metal Reclaimed Wood & Oak Reclaimed Wood & Stainless Steel Reclaimed Wood & Teak Reclaimed Metal & Sustainable Wood Red Cedar Red Oak Redwood Redwood & Juniper Redwood & Antler Smooth Alder Silicone Smooth Oak Stone Stone & Iron Stoneware Sycamore Taxidermy Teak Cedar & Thermally Modified Hardwood Upholstered Metal Frame Upholstered Wood Urban Graphite Blasted Alder Various Materials Walnut Weathered Wood White Cedar Logs and White Pine Boards Pine with Cedar Accents Wild Aspen Wine Barrel Wood Art Wrought Iron Red Oak and Ambrosia Maple Juniper & Black Walnut Birch PT Wood & Metal Forged Steel Aluminum Ambrosia Maple Choice Pine and Suar Metal
Alternate SKU
Shade Shape
Accent Bell Bowl Clip On Drum Empire Globe Lantern Mini Rawhide Not Included Oval Pendant Rectangle Round Sconce Square Uno Flared