Rustic and Lodge Themed Futon Covers for Rustic Futons

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Rustic and Lodge Themed Futon Covers for Rustic Futons

Rustic Futon Covers Protect Your Futon Mattress and Add Rustic Decor to your Room

A futon cover is the perfect add on for your log futon. Futon covers protect the mattress, enhance your cabin decor and extend the life of your log and/or barnwood futon frame.  Our rustic futons covers are made here in the USA with upholstery grade fabrics that wear extremely well to provide you years of service while adding to your lodge and rustic decor.  Our futon covers feature bears, moose, deer, elk, pinecones and other wildlife that will give you a true rustic feel.  We also have leatherette and solid color futon covers to fit every style.  Each futon mattress cover will easily go over your futon mattress to encompass it completely using a hidden industrial grade zipper.

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