An Office for Momma and the Mini

2016-06-16 10:00:34 23 view(s)

An Office for Momma and the Mini

Tables Made for ChildrenIt’s an exciting time in our household. We are preparing to make yet another move, this time way down south to the rolling hills of south Georgia. Although we are filled with anticipation of the unknown, this adventure takes us back to some familiar territory. We have again chosen to live on Fort Benning, rather than in one of the surrounding communities. There are several good reasons for our choice, but by doing so we suffer the consequence of moving into a house we have never seen. The only premonition we have of our home for the next two years is Google’s satellite view, maps of the installation, and a floor plan that may or may not be accurate for the particular house we’ve been assigned. It’s quite an adventure. I promised our youngest son that I would set him up with an office in this house. If the floor plan in my possession rings true, the rooms hold plenty of opportunities for his pint-sized workspace. In fact, I may be able to dedicate a space that can hold both his desk and mine. To be truthful, both of our “desks” are really tables equipped with file holders, storage spaces, and pen cups. I especially love that we have matching rough-cut tables, his Homestead Rough Sawn Child's Table being a shorter and smaller version of mine. Stay tuned for updates on the workspace for me and my mini entrepreneur.

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