Rustic Bathroom Vanities Worth Your Investment

2018-04-26 19:56:49 42 view(s)

Rustic Bathroom Vanities Worth Your Investment

You're So Vain. I'll Bet You Think These Rustic Bathroom Vanities Are About You. Don't You?

Well, you'd be totally right!  Our amazing, rustic bathroom vanities ARE about you.  We build every one of our vanities with you, and your family, in mind.  We handcraft beautiful, complete vanities from real, solid wood; not just a wood frame.  The cheaply made vanity options in Big Box stores feature an awful lot of plywood veneer exteriors.  In other words, we build these vanities to last through the upbringing of your children and your children's children. We've all heard the adage, "you get what you pay for."  And when it comes to buying furniture, it has never rang more true.  Buying furniture is a huge investment.  Heck, even the Big Box flimsy stuff is pricey and a lot of it is practically made of cardboard.  According to HomeAdvisor, the typical cost range for bathroom remodels is around $6,000-$14,000.  If you're going to drop that kind of cash, make sure you're getting the best products, made by the best craftsmen, from the best materials.  You've seen enough poorly made, inferior vanities in the Big Boxes, now it's time for a peek at the finest rustic bathroom vanities you'll ever lay your eyes and hands upon.

Rustic Bathroom Vanities To Reclaim Your Throne Room.

Craftsmen carefully select reclaimed planks, beams, and other barn wood pieces from century-old barns and construct rustic bathroom vanities that are as sturdy as the original buildings.  Nail holes, knots, and saw marks are commonly found in the reclaimed timber and give you an authentic style that can't be duplicated. The stylishly simple Reclaimed Barnwood Open Vanity is perfect for those who don't need a huge vanity or hidden space for all your toiletries.  You're going to love how this 30" to 48" rustic vanity fits into your new rustic bathroom. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750"]Reclaimed Barnwood Open Vanity Don't be closed-minded to awesome open vanities![/caption] Barn wood mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?  Obviously it is this beautiful, Reclaimed Barnwood Barn Door Vanity with classic, X-styled doors!  We offer this storybook vanity from 24" to 72" with choice of sink left, center, right or double sinks.  Pair your new, reclaimed vanity with matching barn wood mirrors and the equally gorgeous Reclaimed Barnwood Barn Door Linen Closet.  Live happily ever after knowing you've made a great rustic furniture decision. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750"]Rustic bathroom vanities This reclaimed barn wood vanity will last just about as long as the barn did![/caption]

You'll Log For These Rustic Bathroom Vanities.

We design our rustic, log vanities with one eye on quality and one eye on true rustic style.  Fortunately for you, we build them with both eyes on what we're doing!   The result is an amazing array of real wood and log vanities for your cabin, cottage, lodge, or home. Nothing says rustic like bark-on log furniture!  The Real Hickory Rustic Bathroom Vanity features solid wood panels, real wood door & drawer fronts, and bark-on log corner posts.  We build this rustic log vanity with hickory log door and drawer pulls and an option to add a solid hickory vanity top with log edging and live edge back splash. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750"]Real Hickory Rustic Bathroom Vanity Woodland creatures NOT included.[/caption] Our Woodland Forest Log Vanity has quickly become a customer favorite and it's easy to see why.  Here at the mill, we love it too.  We use bark-on branches affixed to circle-sawn, cedar planks to create rustic "trees" on the doors and side panels.  With a multitude of size and finish options, we're confident you'll find the perfect combination to finish off that rustic bathroom project you've been laboring at for too long now. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750"]Woodland Forest Log Vanity Don't worry, jaw dropping is normal when viewing this vanity.[/caption] You could lumber around those Big Box stores for days at a time, but you're not going to find rustic bathroom vanities like this next one.  The Cedar Lake Rustic Log Solid Wood Vanity may be a mouthful to say, but you're going to appreciate what all those words mean when this stunning, sturdy piece arrives to your home.  We combine hand-peeled logs, tongue and groove side panels, and inset door and drawer fronts to produce a sleek, rustic bathroom vanity that's sure to be an enduring focal point of your rustic bathroom.  The Cedar Lake Rustic Log Solid Wood Linen Closet is a matching piece to pull it all together. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="750"]Cedar Lake Rustic Log Solid Wood Vanity We can't take our eyes off her, either.[/caption]

Quality Should Matter!

Sure, you can go to a Big Box and buy an inexpensive, cheaply made, rustic vanities from them.  And then you can return in a few short years for another.  Or you could invest in real, solid wood, log and reclaimed barn wood bathroom vanities that will last generations.  But don't take our word for it, listen to those who were once in your shoes...

Ryan H., owner of a Reclaimed Barnwood Open Vanity says, "This is an amazing piece of craftsmanship.  It has rustic charm with a subtle polished finish.  You can't find this type of quality anywhere else."

Molly K., owner of a Reclaimed Barnwood Barn Door Vanity says, "In LOVE! We could not be more thrilled with the beauty, the craftsmanship, nor the service from Log Furniture Place. Our vanity arrived in the window of time given. It was boxed to ensure no damage and arrived as such. And they called with a question on our order to ensure we received the product we were expecting. We would recommend Log Furniture Place to anyone who wants incredible quality and craftsmanship to warm their homes."

Greg, proud owner of a Real Hickory Rustic Bathroom Vanity says, "Can't beat solid wood and this vanity unlike many out there is made with real solid hickory wood. That means my kids can dent it, gouge it, etc. and I can fix it. Unlike the "hickory" vanity I replaced that I purchased from another company a couple years ago. That one was veneer and the minute I tried to sand it, it ruined the piece. Thank you for letting me 'Keep it Real' - I fully understand that saying now."

You know what we get from reviews like these?  That quality materials and careful craftsmanship DO matter to people.  They sure matter a lot to us, too.  You'll notice the words quality craftsmanship thrown around a lot in our reviews.  Bet the Big Boxes can't say that about the two-bit rustic bathroom vanities they're shilling.    

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