2010-04-16 21:52:34
15 view(s)
Subscribe to JHE's Log Furniture Place on YouTube
Everyone knows the adage “A picture is worth a thousand words”. This of course refers to the idea that complex stories can be described with just a single still image, or that an image may be more more influential than a substantial amount of text. I’m wondering then, if a picture is worth a thousand words how many words is a video worth? It must be quite a bit!
Subscribing to Woodland Creek’s Log Furniture Place onYouTube will put you in the front row! Have first access to view and comment on our videos pertaining to log furniture. Our videos include reviews of log furniture, informational videos of various cabin furniture and the occasional cheesy video made to informative as well as to generate a smile. Some examples of what you will find on our YouTube channel are videos of log rocking chairs, log porch swings, rustic log foosball tables and so much more!
At Woodland Creek’s Log Furniture Place we look forward to serving you better and have expanded over the years in our ability to do so. From our renowned personal customer service to bulleted product descriptions to large detailed pictures of our log furniture on our website to our informational and helpful blogs and articles to our Facebook and Twitter accounts where we can interact with our fans and customers and now we are offering our informational and helpful videos.
If you can think of other ways we can serve you better please feel free to let us know.