Lavish Your Linens With Luxury

2020-03-09 19:30:25 1 view(s)

Lavish Your Linens With Luxury

A beautiful bathroom, regardless of how perfectly it has been designed, can always use just a little more storage, especially when it comes to linens. We all seem to underestimate how many towels, toiletries and other items we own that don’t need to be out on display, but bringing together a stylish room vision with practical storage furniture has often seemed like an impossible task. Until now. Beauty and brains We might be a little biased, but we think that when it comes to log linen closet designs, we have scored a home run with our Real Cedar Log Cabin Linen Closet. Available in a range of widths, heights, depths and even orientations, this rustic linen closet is always a custom commission, allowing you to get something that not only fits with your décor, but snugly tucks into a designated spot as well. If you’re thinking that you love the look and the custom options sound good, but what you really want to be able to do is dictate how many drawers you have, or if there is a cupboard instead of drawers, no problem. We specialize in creating stunning designs that you can use as a jumping off point for bringing your dream furniture to life and we don’t disappoint. Give us as much information as you can during the ordering process and we can tailor your cedar linen closet perfectly, so that every towel, flannel and collection of toiletries is stored away safely, but always within reach. We like to think we are in a small minority of companies that are so determined to combine functionality and style so elegantly. Unique, every time We’ve lost count of how many log towel closets we have built but we can tell you one thing – no two have ever been identical. It’s not just about the configurations that our wonderful customers choose either, despite the options being limitless, as the use of real solid wood always throws an element of organic distinction into play. Tactile, beautiful and with that distinctive scent that only cedar has, our solid wood linen closets are a fantastic example of why we love our materials so much. Natural inflections in the grain, coupled with your choice of finish, ranging from clear or Honey through to Vintage Whiskey, makes every surface an eye-catching addition to your bathroom and there are matching items available, to further bolster your aesthetic. Endless possibilities If you’re anything like us, you’ll be looking at this linen closet and thinking that it wouldn’t look out of place in other rooms of the house. We agree and could easily see it becoming a handsome log pantry in a kitchen or even a linen cupboard for a bedroom. Don’t let us sway you about positioning, just because we designed it for a bathroom! If you’re on the edge and still need a little more reassurance about our commitment to quality, design and you, our customers, take a look at the product reviews from confirmed independent buyers. We don’t like to brag but it’s hard to stay too humble when you’ve read them!

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